
  1. Download the 'Lazy_Bones_(version number).ZIP' file.
  2. Open Blender, navigate to 'Edit...Preferences', and select 'Add-ons' from the side tabs.
  3. Click 'Install...' at the top of the preferences page.
  4. Find the 'Lazy_Bones_(version number).ZIP' file and click 'Install Add-on'.
  5. Check the box to complete the installation.

<aside> ☠️ The various menus and functions are context-sensitive, appearing or disappearing based on your actions. An explanation of their location is provided under each section header on the main page.



Enable tips?

Throughout the addon’s menus, tips are written to help get the best results when first using the addon. You can enable or disable those messages here.

Enable simulation cache?

With cache enabled you have the option to pause and ‘replay’ the simulation.

Sometimes the cache can be buggy, and nothing will happen during the simulation - usually if the simulation node group is repeatedly added then deleted in succession. If you see this, you can disable the cache.